Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Garuda Clear Use Halim Airport?

PT Garuda Indonesia Airlines ( Persero ) Tbk possibility of transferring some of these canceled flight from Soekarno Hatta airport to Halim Airport .

" They reasoned inefficient if moved to Halim airport , and they were planning to give their flight slots were originally proposed to be filled by Citilink , " said Director General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Transport ( Ministry of Transportation ) , Herry Bakti S. Gumay , Tuesday ( 22/4 / 2014 ) .

He said , it is still an oral discussion between the Ministry of Transportation with Garuda management , so there is no written letter from the state-owned company .

Garuda , call him , seems to want to do these related efficiencies are already running at this time and did not want to take the risk if the displacement .

Currently , the government is giving the opportunity for the airline to fill the slots available at the airport flight belonging to the Air Force gradually.

Because, until now there are only 16 slots are filled from Citilink owned a total of 74 slots . Thus , there is still a slot big enough for other airlines interested .

" Other airlines still possible to fill . AirAsia reportedly this April will fly there also has been no further discussion , " he said .

Herry hope , that most of the slots at Soekarno Hatta gradually be moved to Halim , so it could be a bit elaborate on airport congestion was located in Cengkareng .
( Read: harga burung pleci )

To increase interest in the airline , Herrera said , is Halim airport facilities will continue to be improved , one with navigation will also be repaired and vehicle parking is also slowly enlarged PT Angkasa Pura II, as the operator .


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