Tuesday, April 29, 2014

UI Student : " I'm More Support Russia "

Support for Russia emerged from some students at the University of Indonesia ( UI ) . It comes after public seminar on the issue of Ukraine was held in the UI .

" What happened in Ukraine is the only logical reaction . After all, the United States also sent troops over the border in support of former President Yanukovich . Seeing the conflict in Eastern Ukraine , I would support Russia , because it is able to keep the peace there , "said Aziz, one of the alumni of Russian literature when found Okezone , in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 04/29/2014 ) .
( Read: cara membuat email gmail )

Not only Aziz , one of English literature mahasisiwi UI Diana also expressed his opinion . According to Diana , in view of the conflict between the U.S. and Russia may no middle ground of this crisis .

Examining the culture , continued Diana , problems occur is a matter between Ukraine and Russia . U.S. not needed in the crisis in Ukraine .

" Because the U.S. is a Superpower heat up the situation so he just wrote . U.S. in the wrong position , if there are UN agencies , does not need to intervene frontally , " said Diana .


Performers dipper Police Sexual Assault Primary School Students

Police resort Siak , Riau , scooped perpetrators of sexual abuse of an elementary school student in the district Paddle .

" We have arrested the perpetrator over the victim's parents report , " said police chief Dedi Siak Rahman Dayan in Pekanbaru on Tuesday .
( Read: download suara burung masteran )

He said officials moved quickly after receiving reports the victim's parents , and then ask for information a number of parties .

The main perpetrators of sexual abuse victims that it is the teacher every day teaching at a primary school in District Rowing, Siak .

Parents of victims L ( 40 ) reported to officers on Saturday ( 26/4 ) that her son had been sexually abused by a teacher NRV .

Of the report, then call the police perpetrators , and finally confessed after being asked an explanation from the investigator .

" After review, the direct perpetrator can be charged under Article arrested for child abuse with the threat of five years in prison , " he said .

In recognition of the perpetrator to the officer that used to watch pornographic videos and desire arises to misbehave .

Though the actor already has a wife and children , they live in one house .

But police ask for information from the parents of victims and other witnesses to complete the case file in later court proceedings .


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dealer Search Form Causes Fire Team Senen Market

The fire that swept Block III Pasar Senen , Central Jakarta , Friday ( 25/04/2014 ) has been discussed by the Indonesian Market Traders Association ( IKAPPI ) . The merchants who are members of the organization come to find out the cause of the fire .

" We already form an independent team of five people to seek facts together Tackling fire and police to the scene when the fire goes out , " said Abdullah Mansuri Chairman IKAPPI in Jakarta , Saturday ( 04/26/2014 ) .
( Read: lovebird pastel kuning )

Abdullah said , in the socialization and deliberation , found no indication of the cause of the fire quickly spread . Independent teams will be looking for a starting point of the fire and when the fire chronology of events .

Abdullah claimed to find some indication unnatural . Starting from the issue of the planned revitalization of PD Pasar Jaya and the discovery of several fires up the length of the outage .

Indications search , he continued , ranging from pungent smell to the other little things that can be encountered when down to location . Later , the results of these investigations will be the recommended study materials to the Central Forensic Laboratory ( Forensic ) .

Abdullah explained , independent team is devoted for the sake of traders are surprised by the sudden occurrence . The merchant , Abdullah continued , looks hysterical when found organization .

Speaking of losses , Abdullah continued , interpreted penetrate more than Rp 100 billion . Therefore , in Block III Pasar Senen Jaya , there are more than 2,000 stalls .


Friday, April 25, 2014

Why Galaxy S5 Disposable Plastic , Not Metal ?

Galaxy S5 still using plastic materials as their predecessors. Samsung seems to have had its own reasons why it maintains an Android handset champion plastic material , instead of other materials such as metal , for example .

" Our main goal is reusability , friendlinesss , and design more humane . We want something that is more easily grasped and fun . If we use metal , heavy design and ' cool ' , " said Dong Hun Kim , Senior Product Designer Samsung .

Samsung claims consider all existing materials before eventually opted to stay with a plastic material that feels better . Compared to metal , plastic held their value tends to be warm , pleasant and gives a better impression in representing Samsung's design concept .
( Read: cara membuat blog menjadi menarik )

 " We have seen all the designs and materials . We are open to any options, " added Kim , as quoted from Engadget on Friday ( 04/25/2014 ) .

Samsung also explained the concept of back to basic in the Galaxy S5 . Namely , Samsung to focus more on developing the features of certain features in the handset rather than jammed with less feel the benefits of technology .

" All the experience in the use of the GS 5 back to basics . In the past , we tend to give a lot of features to display , something you might only use once or twice a year . Yet in GS 5 , there is a focus on the core features such as a camera or a browser . We ensure that the features work better , " said Jeeyeun Wang , Principal User Experience Designer at Samsung .


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Batik 3 State Symbols harmony of District Transfers

In order to also enliven Kartini Day commemoration , the Royal Ambarukmo Hotel on Monday ( 21/4 ) called Catwalk Fashion Batik 3 piece designer Afif State Shakar . Special , haute fashion is not displayed by the model but by the women socialites consisting of women entrepreneurs , housewives .

3 State Batik is batik clothing that is processed from three different places namely Lasem , Pekalongan and Yogyakarta . Processing of three different places this raises a harmonious unity , because the third place has a special color that stands out . Batik Lasem using staining of noni more red highlights , Batik Pekalongan more prominent because of the color indigo dyeing using plant indigovera while Batik Jogjakarta more likely because brown staining using Soga . The third process is ultimately bring a colorful new design .
( Read: egg food untuk pleci )

Meanwhile, from the side of the motive , the process of making Batik 3 State starting with the traditional pattern making Lasem district purporting motof Lung Lungan ( vines ) in the red without frames. However, since no motive influence Pekalongan and Yogyakarta motof then combine to form new motifs that resemble batik Dutch and Chinese . The third motive diakulturasi a new motive to effect harmonization is very prominent.

Afif designer Shakar says , because processing is done in batik 3 different place then making Batik 3 state becomes longer . It was also an impact on the production process of the higher up the price of batik is also higher than other batik . However, due to the design of this very rare , batik demand is also quite high . " The biggest demand comes from West Java , Reason, batik motifs in West Java symbolize a higher social status than other batik . Fact, many batik worn by a group of people who have the intention to propose bride . " Said Afif .

Added Afif , the pebatik in East Java also developed a batik design 3 states mentioned with batik Tutung Coffee (coffee singed ) , whereas in Pekalongan batik 3 State known as Batik Semarang and Rifa'iyah highlighting Islamic motifs . With so many design 3 state, they were convinced that will impact on the development of batik in other areas . "I'm sure Batik 3 state will affect other areas . " Said Afif .


Garuda Clear Use Halim Airport?

PT Garuda Indonesia Airlines ( Persero ) Tbk possibility of transferring some of these canceled flight from Soekarno Hatta airport to Halim Airport .

" They reasoned inefficient if moved to Halim airport , and they were planning to give their flight slots were originally proposed to be filled by Citilink , " said Director General of Civil Aviation Ministry of Transport ( Ministry of Transportation ) , Herry Bakti S. Gumay , Tuesday ( 22/4 / 2014 ) .

He said , it is still an oral discussion between the Ministry of Transportation with Garuda management , so there is no written letter from the state-owned company .

Garuda , call him , seems to want to do these related efficiencies are already running at this time and did not want to take the risk if the displacement .

Currently , the government is giving the opportunity for the airline to fill the slots available at the airport flight belonging to the Air Force gradually.

Because, until now there are only 16 slots are filled from Citilink owned a total of 74 slots . Thus , there is still a slot big enough for other airlines interested .

" Other airlines still possible to fill . AirAsia reportedly this April will fly there also has been no further discussion , " he said .

Herry hope , that most of the slots at Soekarno Hatta gradually be moved to Halim , so it could be a bit elaborate on airport congestion was located in Cengkareng .
( Read: harga burung pleci )

To increase interest in the airline , Herrera said , is Halim airport facilities will continue to be improved , one with navigation will also be repaired and vehicle parking is also slowly enlarged PT Angkasa Pura II, as the operator .


Tropical Cyclone Jack Inhibitory Search MH370

Had expected to support the mission of the ninth Malaysia Airlines MH370 search operation involving unmanned submarine Bluefin - 21 , the weather in the waters of the Indonesian Ocean worsen .

"The conditions are very bad weather and low visibility , " said a statement from the Joint Coordination Center Board , as quoted by the Malaysian Insider , Tuesday, April 22, 2014 .

The bad weather due to tropical cyclones Jack could result in searches ineffective and even potentially dangerous . Therefore , a search plane carrying 239 passengers and crew members laid off for a while .

Entering the ninth mission , the Bluefin - 21 yet to find any trace of the existence of MH370 . Until now , unmanned mini-submarines have traced two-thirds of the search area under water in the ocean waters of Indonesia, about 2,000 kilometers northwest of Perth .
( Read: burung kakatua )

Search team Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight planning to move the location of the search of the Indonesian Ocean ( Indian Ocean ) to another place . This plan comes after the team worked for 45 days in the waters of the Indonesian Ocean , but found no trace of the missing aircraft since the March 8, 2014 .

As reported in the New Straits Times , a member of the international investigation team based in Kuala Lumpur said the search team was thinking to go back to the starting point of the search to find the following MH370 239 passengers . ( Read : Cost Search Complained Starting MH370 )

The team is considering a statement Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak at a press conference in March that the possibility of the plane landed elsewhere . " But about the possibility of certain countries to hide the plane , when more than 20 countries together to look , did not seem to make sense , " said a member of the investigative team as reported by Malaysia Today , Monday, April 21, 2014 . ( Read : MH370 hijacked , this explanation journalists Afghanistan )

Australian Ambassador to the U.S. , Kim Beazley , said Australia would make a decision in the next few days about whether to change the location of the search or resume search in Ocean Indonesia MH370 . The problem is , they 've searched our 45 day Indonesian Ocean , but none of the signs of the plane was missing there .

Bluefin - 21 , an unmanned robot detection with the ability to dive to a depth of 4,500 meters , it is nine times on his mission looking for MH370 . Even the location of the expanded search . Since the Bluefin - 21 assigned to early April , two- thirds of the scheduled search location has been traced by the robot . But to no avail . ( Read : Able to Reach Area BluefinTak loss MH370 )

Australia will discuss the possibility of changing the location of the search with the countries involved in the search . " All this will be explained openly if not found anything in the next few days , " said Kim Beazley as reported by CNN .
Today, Monday, April 21, 2014 , search teams continue to search MH370 by deploying military aircraft and ten of eleven ships . ( Read : MH370 Aircraft Believed Still Intact in Seabed )


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Jakarta Rain Causes 17 points and 6 Stagnant tree tumbles

Heavy rain and surrounding Jakarta , Saturday ( 04/19/2014 ) . According to data from the operational center for Disaster Measures Agency (BPBD ) Jakarta , average rainfall - average reaches 56.1 mm / hour and strong winds with average speeds - average 12.5 meters / sec .

The rain caused a 17 point puddle with a height of 10 cm - 50 cm . Additionally , strong winds accompanying the rain caused fallen tree 6 . Inundation occurred in South Jakarta on Jalan Raya Jewel Jewel police station right next to the puddle height of 20-30 cm , then at Jalan Pondok Indah directions to Lebak Bulus with inundation height of 10 cm - 20 cm .

Inundation also occurred in front of the MPR with inundation height of 10 cm - 50 cm , then Jalan Asia Afrika Senayan with inundation height of 10 cm , Jalan Tebet right front SMP 115 with inundation height of 10-20 cm , Arterial Road , right next Pondok Indah Gandaria City with inundation height of 10 cm - 30 cm .

For in Central Jakarta , a puddle in front of Sarinah Thamrin Road with inundation height of 10 cm - 20 cm , Jalan Cempaka Putih Raya with inundation height of 10 cm - 20 cm , Jalan Pangeran Jayakarta with inundation height of 10 cm - 20 cm , Jalan Hasyim Ashari with inundation height of 50 cm and Lt. Suprapto Road direction to Monday with a height of 30 cm water genaganan .

Meanwhile, East Jakarta , there is a puddle in the direction of Jalan Cempaka Mas Rawamangun with inundation height of 20 cm - 30 cm , Matraman Road towards Jalan Imam Bonjol with inundation height of 5 cm .

As for the area of ​​inundation occurred in West Jakarta Raya Sky View Road left lane with inundation height of 10 cm - 20 cm , Jalan Kebun Arjuna junction Kemanggisan Orange with inundation height of 20 cm - 40 cm , Jalan Kyai Tapa inundation height of 10 cm - 50 cm and Palm Street sustainable Cengkareng with inundation height of 20 cm - 40cm .

Strong winds cause tree tumbles fallen tree in front of the stop Citraland Grogol , West Jakarta , The Long Road , and Permata Hijau Kebun toward Orange .

Besides billboards also fell due to high winds at the intersection Puri Kembangan , West Jakarta . For South Jakarta , the incident occurred at a fallen tree right beside Jalan Sudirman flyover Rubber Sampoerna , South Jakarta tree tumbles .
( Read: burung anis merah juara )

Moreover fallen trees also occurred in front of the Jakarta Stock Exchange ( JSX ) from the Blok M towards Clover .


Targeting retailers Malaysia Halal Products Indonesia

Halal products made in Indonesia apparently selling abroad, one of Malaysia. In Malaysia International Halal Showcase Exhibition (MIHAS) 2014 takes place 9-12 April 2014 and in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Indonesia Halal products posted sales of 22.1 billion USD. (Read: In Malaysia, Halal Products Raup RI Rp 22.9 billion).
Furthermore, a Malaysian retail companies are now targeting Indonesian halal products to be placed in a special booth. According to the Director General of National Export Development Ministry of Trade, Nus Nuzulia Isaac, cosmetic products and even Moslem Indonesia ogled by Parkson, one of the largest shopping malls in Malaysia.

"The product is compatible with the possibility of Parkson plans to develop specific market segments of consumer Muslims," ​​he said in a written statement on Saturday, April 19, 2014. (See also: Parkson Ready to Invest U.S. $ 15 Million in Indonesia).
( Read: opera mini handler )

As is known, Parkson now has 132 stores in Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. The department store has a pretty prestigious position in the retail world, because already collaborated with famous brands such as Polo, Burberry Kids, Lacoste, Timberland, Chanel, Christian Dior to Swarovski jewelry company. Stretched its market share in the consumer segment of the middle class to the upper class.

Nus said the achievement of Indonesia in 2014 showed MIHAS opportunities greater market penetration in Malaysia. In 2013, the market share of processed food products in Malaysia Indonesia reached 14.64 per cent of the export value of U.S. $ 421.79 million. (Read also: Indonesia Agribusiness Entrepreneur Brunei Keen).

Although its value rose 15.45 percent per year, the proportion of halal products has only 4.67 percent of Indonesia's total exports to Malaysia reached U.S. $ 9 billion. "There are still big enough to have the opportunity to be improved," said Nus.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Democrat-Golkar Rejects Vote on Hotel

Democrats and Golkar refused plenum counting results 9 April 2014 legislative elections held at the provincial level star hotels, such as the Bali General Elections Commission proposal .

" We do not agree calculation carried out at five-star hotel , the better the building Wiswa Sabha held at the Governor's office or at the office of the Commission Bali alone , " said Democratic Party Chairman of the Council of Bali , Made Mudarta , in Denpasar on Thursday .

According to him , the implementation of the counting of votes has been started from the lowest level , ranging from polling stations , at PPS ( village ) , district to plenary in KPUkabupaten / cities in Bali which is quite tiring .

Meanwhile , Election Commission tally in Bali live match data alone and also counting is done in turns ranging from 1 to Dapil Dapil Bali Bali 9 .

"In addition , the minimum permissible rules presented two witnesses , both witnesses to speak up when the plenary of the parties and witnesses . From this amount does not need to be developed further so as not to spend more on consumption and cost much more. Likewise with candidates DPD is not necessarily all of them will be present , " he said .

Similar delivered DPD Golkar Party Secretary Bali , Komang Purnama , who called the proposal a plenary at the hotel just going to spend the budget .

" We hope that the security issues and the impact on tourism in the Kuta area is also taken into consideration , let alone will bring 560 people . Congestion , parking location and not to mention protests from each witness who is ready to bring supporters of each party , " he hoped .
( Read: cucak ijo mp3 )

Komang Purnama propose better plenary held in Denpasar , besides lie closer , also in case of disturbing things that can be anticipated by the security of the Bali Police , and does not interfere with tourism .


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ship with 476 passengers sinks in the South

Dozens of ships and rescue helicopters are trying to save more than 470 people , including many high school students , who are stuck in a sinking ferry off the southern coast of South Korea , Wednesday ( 16/04/2014 ) , officials said . So far there have been no reports of casualties in the accident .

Ferry with 476 people on it , including 325 high school students , was sailing to the island of Jeju in the south of the country when it sent an emergency call on Wednesday morning due to start leaning to one side , said Department of Public Safety and Administration of South Korea (ROK ) .

Park Hye -rang , a local coast guard official , said by telephone that 147 passengers have been rescued so far , but he did not provide further details . The photos in the local media showed that the ship tilted to one side , partly submerged hull , while the number of helicopters flying over it and a number of rescue boats and a small boat was covered with an orange tarp nearby.

The students came from a high school in the city of Ansan , near Seoul . They were on their way to Jeju island for a four- day trip . The ship left the port of Incheon , in western Seoul , on Tuesday night .
(see also: kenari yorkshire jantan )

A total of 18 helicopters and 34 rescue boats have been sent to the area , said Lee Gyeong - og , a top official of South Korea , in a televised news conference . He said , President Park Geun - hye has ordered rescue operations to prevent casualties .


TNI Commander Not Predicting Reaction was Singapore hard as Problem Usman Harun

TNI Commander , General Moeldoko expressed regret over the use of the name Usman Harun as the name of one of the UK KRI purchased . Therefore , he did not suspect it can evoke memories for Singaporeans .

It was delivered by Moeldoko in a special interview with news station Channel News Asia , Tuesday, April 15, 2014 . Moeldoko asserted , the Indonesian military did not have bad intentions and attempt to make the citizens of Singapore recalled the events that occurred earlier in 1965 .

" Once again I am sorry , because what we think , not at all intended to rebuild the emotions of Singaporeans , " said Moeldoko .
( Read: cara download video youtube gratis )

Any relations with both countries , further Moeldoko has continued to improve, as the two leaders often including her intensely communicate with the Chief Military Commander of Singapore . However, embedding the decision to name one Uthman Aaron KRI will not be changed . Therefore , the decision-making process has been carried out since last December 2012 .

Moeldoko also said he does not see any possibility of naming KRI will cause an emotional reaction from Singapore .

" Indonesia does not think that will be a polemic Aaron Usman like this , because from the beginning we did not want to evoke emotions in the past . 's No intention at all , " said Moeldoko .

However , further Moeldoko because this issue turns out to also be a Singapore citizen concern , then it is the duty of him to provide clarification so as not to aggravate the situation .

Because this issue is re-warmed after his March , two Navy soldiers dressed as Usman Harun attended the Jakarta administration Defense Dialogue in Jakarta Convention Centre . As a result , a team of delegates from Singapore withdrew and canceled attending the event .

Moeldoko admitted now attempting to restore military ties between the two countries . One of them by inviting Singapore to join in multilateral joint exercises which lasted Navy Komodo March 29 to April 3, 2014 in the Natuna and Anambas Batam .

In addition to the ASEAN member countries , joint exercises with the military was also followed by India , Japan , South Korea , New Zealand , United States , China , Russia and Australia .

" We also provide the opportunity for our partners from Singapore to join the other 17 countries in a joint exercise with dragons . For me , it was a positive step to re-establish its relationship , " said Moeldoko .

He also expressed his belief that military relations between the two countries will remain strong , based on mutual trust , honesty and respect .

" As long as both parties are able to maintain a sense of trust and no lies between us , then I believe the relationship between the two countries will work well . I believe in the future prospects will improve because we were part of the ASEAN community who have similar needs and interests , " Moeldoko said .

That , added Moeldoko which makes a strong relationship between the two countries increasingly easy to be fostered .

From these events , said Moeldoko can be used as a learning process to build stronger ties between the two neighboring countries . Moreover , over the years, their relationship has been closely intertwined for years .

Early February, Singapore had objected to the Indonesian intentions naming new ships purchased from the UK : KRI - Aaron Usman . Assess Singapore , Indonesia insensitive .

Usman and marines Aaron is ordered to infiltrate Singapore in 1965. At that time , Singapore was part of Malaysia and Indonesia amid confrontation with the neighbor country .

On March 10, 1965 , Usman and Aaron with one other person , Gani , successfully bombed building MacDonald House in Orchard Road . As a result of the incident , three people were killed and 33 others injured . ( eh )


Monday, April 14, 2014

JCI Uptrend Still Continuing Pattern

JAKARTA - Movement Composite Stock Price Index ( CSPI ) is expected to move in the range of the level of support 4838 and resistance 4903 . The pace of JCI began to bounce back, after the post-election plunged the general legislature .

" JCI began retracing back to continue the uptrend pattern , " ? Research Department PT Asjaya Indosurya Securities , William Suryawijaya in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 04/15/2014 ) .

He added that the success through the resistance level 4,838 is a pretty good starting point as the initial confirmation of the JCI rise further .
see alsovitamin burung merpati )

According to William , the target next resistance is at 4,903 as the next confirmation point , at the same time the increase will accelerate the timeframe JCI if successfully penetrated the resistance level . " Support is currently at 4,838 as support levels , generally JCI began turning the zone into an uptrend , " he said .

Throughout trading , stock index touched a high of 4870.10 in the middle of the second session and touched its lowest level at the beginning of the first session of 4812.63 and ended at 4864.84 levels .

Trading volume and the total value of transactions rose . Foreign investors recorded net sell with the increase in the value of the transaction to buy and sell transactions . Domestic investors recorded a net buy .


Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's appropriate figure running mate companion Jokowi

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDI-P ) revealed the concept of a running mate ( vice ) is a companion Joko Widodo or Jokowi presidential candidate in the 2014 election . Chairman of DPD PDIP West Java , TB Hasanuddin said the vice president should be able to cover the shortfall Jokowi .

" The basic concept is that first , the president of a human being he definitely has its advantages and disadvantages . Then supposed to be a vice presidential candidate must be able to synergize the strengths and weaknesses of our candidate , " said Hasanuddin in London as reported by Reuters on Sunday ( 13/4 ) .

The second concept , said Hasanuddin , a vice presidential candidate who will accompany Jokowi must have projected development over the next five years in the areas of social , political , economic and defense security .

" Projections him for the next five years to be clear . Then foreign affairs . So we need a partner that can synergy , capable of bringing the nation to prosperity and progress , " he said .

According to Hasanuddin , PDIP do not want to mention the word ' coalition ' in the 2014 Presidential Election will be held on June 9. " We want to see a presidential system so we call it is not a coalition but a collaboration to build the nation and the state , " he said .

So far, more Tubagus , the management ranks at the PDIP has done ' friendship ' to other political figures in order to ' cooperation ' Presidential Election 2014.
( see also: obat burung )

" Approach with another character , like yesterday Mr. Jokowi 've met Mr. ARB and the results , Mr. ARB said it will still be a candidate. Then with Mr. Surya Paloh also , " he said .


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Corsair Releases a New Keyboard Aluminum Body

Corsair announced the new aluminum keyboard . Carrying the model named Vengeance K70 keyboard also adorned with lights or red backlighting .

Reported Pcauthority , Thursday ( 10/04/2014 ) , Vengeance K70 will come with the color Red , Brown and Blue . This latest device key board is intended for gamers who want a dynamic keyboard display .

This device is also equipped with LED lighting , where lights can be arranged and lit only for a few main buttons that are often suppressed . The main button is one of the keys W , A , S and D as well as the number keys 1 to 6 .
(see also: Waptrick Situs download themes)

To model the Vengeance K70 , Corsair Cherry switches rely on technology . " We re- evaluate all the ' switch' key available in the market , including new cloning of Cherry MX . Nobody can match the consistent performance and reliability across the keyboard like Cherry MX German original , " said Jason Christian , Product Manager for Gaming Keyboards and Mice Corsair .

Corsair is known as a manufacturer of PC hardware . U.S. company sells a wide range of hardware products such as RAM , Power Supply , and USB flash drives .


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Videos of police officers angry when recorded, crowded on YouTube

Although it has been long enough or about 4 months ago , but the video shows the police officer who was recorded secretly sticking in social networking .

There is a video that shows two police officers who carry out their duties and lay off a car being filmed secretly by someone who was then still in the car .

Video recording duration of 45 seconds was then uploaded to YouTube and then appeared also in some Facebook accounts .

Surprisingly , it was not clear what was going on because the officers covered by the car , but many oblique comments written by Indonesian netizens of what is happening in the video.

In the video it is also seen that one of the police officers , suddenly realized that they were being recorded secretly and went to get angry at the person who was doing the recording .

The officer went to ask if there was a permit recording with somewhat angry tone . Outstanding questions as explanatory video is a true record of events in Indonesia must have a permit ?

Under the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions ( ITE Act ) No. 11 of 2008 Article 31, paragraph 2 , says that the action of secretly recording using technological devices such as hidden cameras , tape recorders or voice recording device also can be categorized in the illegal interception .

The threat of violation of Article 31 paragraph ( 2 ) of the EIT Law is imprisonment of 10 years or also with a maximum of Rp 800 million rupiah ( Article 47 UU ITE ) .

Not only that, in Section 26 EIT Law also stipulates that anyone who feels disadvantaged because secretly recorded or the like may file a civil lawsuit .
(see also: lomba burung kenari)

Article 31 paragraph ( 2 ) UU ITE can be ' breached ' if it relates to law enforcement at the request of the police , prosecutor or other law enforcement agency as defined in Article 31 paragraph ( 3 ) of the Act ITE .

To find out what kind of video recording of both the police officer , the following is one and the same video uploaded on YouTube by many people
